- Donations
- Charitable Dispensary and Medical Aid
- Scholarships
- Community Outreach Programmes
- Maharana Mewar Foundation Annual Awards
- To promote and encourage excellence in various walks of life
- Subscriptions and contributions to support other public charities
'Daan' has been at the root of the system of custodianship at Mewar which remains the guiding essence of the Foundation. This is evident from the Toran Dwar being chosen as its symbol- an elegant edifice created to mark remarkable instances of charitable giving in the past. Today, one of the Foundation's biggest outgoing expenses is direct giving through its direct donations to causes, support to scholarships, endowments, pension schemes and medical aid, thus fulfilling directly many of the objectives listed above. Some of these outlays are permanent endowments made annually, while others are awarded by the trustees as individual instances and as a one-time outlay. The most high profile event organized at Udaipur that recognizes human achievement and contributions of individuals towards society is the Maharana Mewar Foundation Annual Award Distribution Ceremony. This Award Ceremony, organized at great expense of both time and money by the MMCF, has grown in stature annually and is now a noted event in the global philanthropic calendar.
Medical Aid
Medical Aid is an important activity of the MMCF. The common citizen of Mewar, and other precincts in Rajasthan can apply for medical benefits and assistance. The Trust disseminates funds fairly and without any prejudices. Appeals made for such medical assistance is overwhelming. The Trust has to be judicious and compassionate in its responsibilities.
So as to maximise benefits; the trust has also included a category of miscellaneous charity, which covers ground left uncovered, by the previous category. Miscellaneous charity funding is activated in special cases only, or when demand outweighs the funding available. In most cases, the people applying for assistance are nearing a life or death situation.
Along with this category, the Trust also runs a Charitable Dispensary. The dispensary, which operates all year round, aims to provide free medical counselling and medicines to the poor, who are unable to afford private medical treatment. This of course comprises a substantial part of the community. The charitable dispensary is contained within the The City Palace. Medical aid is granted in many differing situations.
The treatments can range from assistance to geriatrics to monetary reimbursement for social workers for distributing medicines to poor and disabled people in villages.
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