It is indeed a matter of enormous joy to be sharing the Eternal Mewar website, and its well-researched contents, with a new generation of global citizens. It provides an opportunity for me to share my thoughts outlining the basic values and principles guiding Eternal Mewar.
Central to our understanding of Eternal Mewar, in the 21st century, are the traditions of 'Guru-Shishya parampara' (Teacher-Disciple tradition) and Custodianship.
Let me begin by referring to the founding of the State of Mewar in the 8th century CE that is almost 1300 years ago. It was Guru Maharishi Harit Rashi who bestowed the State of Mewar to his deserving Shishya or disciple Bappa Rawal in 734 CE with a solemn decree that he would administer the State as a 'Diwan' or prime minister and not as a King. Thus, was laid the foundation of the principle of governance through Custodianship within the Guru-Shishya parampara.
Bappa Rawal remained true to the promise he had given his Guru. As a result, the State was governed on the principles of Custodianship.
Every successor of Bappa Rawal fulfilled this sacred vow by acknowledging Parmeshwaraji Maharaj Shree Eklingnath ji (a manifestation of Lord Shiva) as the Eternal Ruler of Mewar. Till date, all the successors of Bappa Rawal are hereditary 'Diwans' of Shree Eklingnath ji.
Today, when we refer to Eternal Mewar, we are in effect referring to this core value of the House of Mewar - Custodianship which has withstood the tests of time.
Here I wish to draw attention to 'social responsibility' and the 'voluntary' nature of the service which we, as Custodians, have taken upon ourselves.
In the Eternal Mewar website the innumerable programmes, philanthropic initiatives undertaken by the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation are a direct result of our voluntary commitment to serve humanity. As Custodians, we have voluntarily taken upon ourselves these tasks and hold ourselves accountable for its success and sustainability.
At the turn of the millennium, I envisaged the need to collectively carry the continuity and responsibility of Custodianship and present a role model of governance and sustenance for this century.
It was this overarching vision, first penned down by me sometime in the late 1980's in the document, 'Inheritance 76' that has evolved and transformed into the 21st century Heritage Brand of Eternal Mewar.
The city of Udaipur, founded by my illustrious forefathers in the 16th century CE, has today emerged as a Centre for Excellence, acknowledged the world over for its heritage tourism, art and architecture, performing arts, sports and as a hub for modern education. Year after year, our city is rated among the ‘world’s best cities to visit’; such honours and global ratings fill us with pride and happiness.
The new Eternal Mewar website is an invitation for like-minded organizations and individuals from all over the world to become a part of our ongoing movement to preserve the ‘living heritage’ of Mewar, Rajasthan and India.
May the Supreme Lord of Mewar Parameshwaraji Maharaj Shree Eklingnath Ji bestow us with the strength and wisdom to realize the vision of Eternal Mewar.
with best wishes,
Arvind Singh Mewar
Chairman and Managing Trustee
Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation