A Sensory-Friendly Trail was created in Lakshmi Chowk for a Poster depicting the SensoryFriendly Trail at Lakshmi Chowk fun-filled learning experience, in the week preceding International Museum Day. The Museum worked with small numbers per group, with participant groups visiting on multiple days with their parents and educators; on 9th, 10th, 13th and 18th May 2022. An opportunit y for an independent Museum visit was provided on 18th May 2022

In the Sensory-Friendly Trail, participants were required to hunt for Museum-object replicas in a sand pit, followed by several other hands-on activities that would introduce them to Museum/ archaeological practices such as discovering and observing objects, caring for it by keeping it clean, segregating and documenting it, in a fun, sensory manner.

Museum-object replicas

The Chowk was divided into 5 stations namely 1. Treasure Island, 2. Drying Station, 3. Sort and Box, 4. Colour Canvas and 5. Rewards, each spaced out between various hurdles. A checklist, accompanied by visual signage helped the participants navigate the space.

Participant using a visual checklist at Treasure Island

Discussing what objects were found, with parent

Brushing the object clean

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