Aravali Award was awarded to Mr. Himanshu Lamba and Mr. Mihir Soni. The Best Police Station of Rajasthan Award was awarded to Police Station Makbara, District Kota, Rajasthan. This year Bhamashah Student Award was given to 23 students, Maharana Raj Singh Student Award to 17 students and Maharana Fateh Singh Student Award to 76 students. Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar of Udaipur, Trustee, Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation, Udaipur On 10th March 2018 as part of the event Hindustani Classical Music Concert was organised at the Manek Chowk, The City Palace, Udaipur. Shri Prashant Mallick and Shri Nishant Mallick, Dhrupad Vocalists presented a mesmerizing performance. For complete coverage on 36th Maharana Mewar Foundation Annual Awards 2018 visit Click Here