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Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar felicitating one of the participants

Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar addressing the guests
at the award ceremony
Mon, 6 Feb
At a wedding reception
Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar and Mrs. Nivritti Kumari Mewar
attended the wedding reception of Bhanwar Deo Vrat Singh
Chundawat, son of Kunwar Dr. and Kunwarani Saheba Ajay
Singh Chundawat and Madhavi Kumari of Kelwa, daughter
of Kunwar Sahab and Kunwarani Saheba Anant Singh
Rathore of Kelwa at Ananta Resort, Kodiyat, Udaipur.

Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar and Mrs. Nivritti Kumari Mewar with
Kunwar Dr. and Kunwarani Saheba Ajay Singh Chundawat and the
newly wedded Bhanwar Deo Vrat Singh Chundawat and Madhavi
Kumari of Kelwa
Tue, 7 Feb
With the talented Mr. Javed Kagzi
Mr. Javed Kagzi from A.L. Paper House called on Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar at The City Palace, Udaipur to
present him a handmade sketch.

Mr. Javed Kagzi presenting a sketch to Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar
Sat, 11 Feb
With the renowned Mr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Mr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Indian fashion designer from
Kolkata called on Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar at The City
Palace, Udaipur.