Later in the evening the crew filmed the Holika Dahan Ceremony at The Manek Chowk, The City Palace, Udaipur.

ZDF German Television filming Shriji at Shambhu Niwas

Shriji during an interview with ZDF German Television
Wed, 19 March
A round of cocktails with the tech-savvy
Shriji hosted cocktails at Shambhu Niwas Palace, Udaipur for Mr. Virendra Dutt, Managing Director and CEO, MEIKO (Asia) Techcentre Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore and his wife.
Yet another round of cocktails
Shriji hosted cocktails at Shambhu Niwas Palace, Udaipur for Dr. Rupesh Mehta and Mrs. Preeti Mehta. |
Thu, 20 March
Felicitating JCB India on yet another milestone
Accepting an invitation from Mr. Vipin Sondhi, Managing Director and CEO, JCB India, Shriji as a Guest of Honour attended the opening of The New JCB Manufacturing unit in Jaipur. The occasion also marked the 50 years of service by Lord Bamford to the JCB Group. Lord and Lady Bamford were also present for the occasion.

Mr. Vipin Sondhi, Managing Director and CEO, JCB India
the guests

Cultural evening at the new JCB Manufacturing unit at Jaipur

Cultural evening at the new JCB Manufacturing unit at Jaipur