Sat, 8 Feb At the wedding in Kishangarh, Rajasthan Shriji attended the wedding ceremony of Bhanwar Sahib Lalit Singh, son of Kunwar Sahib Kamlendra Singh Rathore Chausla with Urvashi, daughter of Thakur Sahib Jaidev Singh Khangaarot Kukad at Phool Mahal Palace, Kishangarh, Rajasthan.
At Anuradha Sarup's wedding dinner Shriji attended a dinner hosted by Ms. Anuradha Sarup and Mr. Stefan Glanz in celebration of their marriage at The Courtyard by Marriott, Gurgaon. |
Sun, 9 Feb Honouring a dinner Shriji attended a dinner hosted by Ms. Yasmin Kapoor at her residence, Delhi.
Wed, 12 Feb Morning meet up with the Chairman of Group MKM Shriji was invited for breakfast by Mr. Mahendra K. Modi, Chairman, Group MKM at his farm in Chhatarpur, Delhi. |