
Tuesday 9th October,

1. Shriji and Ms. Radha Mehta were guests of Mr. Henry Dallal at an evening organised by Lady Olga Maitland, President of the Defence and Security Forum in celebration of H.M The Queen’s Jubilee at the Naval and Military Club, St James Square, SW1. The Rt. Hon Lord Janvrin, Private Secretary to H.M The Queen from 1999-2007 was guest of honour. Other guests included The Rt. Hon Sir John Wheeler and Mr. Martin D. Gruss.

Lady Olga Maitland

Naval and Military Club, St James Square, SW1

Shriji and guests at the celebration of
H.M The Queen’s Jubilee at the Naval
and Military Club, St James Square, SW1

After dinner Shriji and Ms. Mehta joined Ms. Eva Maria O’Neill at Mr. Robin Birley’s newly opened club Loulou’s, 5 Hertford Street for a Night Cap with friends including Mrs. Sabina Nagel visiting London from Munich.

Ms. Radha Mehta, Ms. Eva Maria O’Neill ,
Ms. Sabina Nagel and other guests

Wednesday 10th October,

1. Shriji was the guest of Mr. Quentin Willson for lunch at Stuzzico, Kendal Street W2, London where they talked about their mutual interest in vintage and classic cars following the success of GLK 21 at the Concours d’elegance, Pebble Beach.

Mr. Quentin Willson

Stuzzico, Kendal Street, London

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