
An Artefact displayed at the Alsdorf Galleries of India

Shriji with Mr. Sam Quigley, Ms. Barbara Donnelley,
Dr. Stephanie Ortel and Dr. Madhuvanti Ghose
2. In the evening Shriji attended a dinner at The Chicago Club hosted by Dr. Richard Lariviere, President and CEO, The Fields Museum.

Guests at the dinner hosted by Dr. Richard Lariviere

From left: Mr. Tom Donnelley, Mrs. Anu Aggrawal,
Mrs. Barbara Donnelley, Shriji, Ms. Vrinda Raje Singh,
Mr. Sidney Epstein, Mr. Arjun Aggrawal,
Dr. Stephanie Ortel,
Mrs. Ellen O'Connor,
Ms. Sondra Epstein
and Dr. Richard Lariviere
(President of the Fields Museum)

Shriji with Mrs. Ellen O'Connor
Tuesday 16th October,
1. Shriji attended the Fields Museum’s press conference and was accompanied on a tour of the Fields Museum before departing for the airport and overnight flight to London

Ms. Vrinda Raje Singh, Dr. Stephanie Ortel, Shriji
and Ms. Pranita

Dr. Stephanie Ortel, Shriji and Ms. Trish Farrell