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View of the city from the river cruise

North Pond Restaurant, Chicago

Farewell Lunch for Shriji and his family at North Pond
Restaurant hosted by Drs. Stephanie & Bernhard Ortel
Clockwise: Mrs. Barbara Donnelley, Ms. Lynn Osmond, Shriji,
Mr. Gerald Adelmann, Dr. Bernhard Ortel,
Mr. Tom Donnelley, Ms. Padmaja Kumari Mewar,
Mr. Karim HK Ahamed, Dr. Stephanie Ortel,
and Rajkumar Dr. Kush Singh Parmar of Santrampur
2. In the evening Shriji attended a dinner to celebrate Mrs. Sondra Epstein’s birthday.

Shriji with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Epstein

Guests enjoying dinner at the
birthday celebration of
Ms. Sondra Epstein

Ms. Sondra Epstein addressing the guests
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