
Heritage Conservation and Promotion
The Upgradation and Modernisation of the Museum at the City Palace Complex, Udaipur is part of a larger Conservation and Reuse Plan for the entire City Palace Museum. The conservation planning for the City Palace Museum was taken up in two stages. The first stage (Nov 2005 - July 2007) encompassed preparation of the primary conservation master plan for the City Palalce Complex along with photogrammetry, measured drawings and execution of a few identified emergency works. Under the second phase (Nov 2008 - July 2009), secondary plans, namely environment management plan, interpretation and museum use plan, lighting plan and risk management plan were prepared, with an intermediate level cultural heritage tourism plan that links all primary and secondary plans and external frameworks affecting the site. Each plan outlines specific works in tandem with other plans to achieve the overall conservation and sustainability of the site. Along with conservation works for each palace space, other works such as reuse, interpretation, lighting and risk management are being taken in parallel so that each area of the palace develops in a holistic manner.

The Conservation Management Plan for the City Palace Museum Complex along with secondary plans is under implementation by the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) since 2009 and certain works in Zone A and Zone B have been implemented from 2009-2011. Total cost of implementing all plans is approximately Rs. 40 Crores with the target year of completion of final phase as 2015. The Cost of Interpretation and Museum Use Plan is approximately Rs. 25 Crores, out of which a part of Zone D for specific museum galleries amounting to Rs. 6.8 Crores is included in the Upgradation and Modernisation of the Museum submitted to the Ministry of Culture (MoC), Government of India.

Remaining amount is being contributed by MMCF through its annual income and additional fundraising for the project.

MMCF received the sanction letter No. F.14-40/2010-M.I, Government of India, Ministry of Culture dated 23.01.2012 from Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi regarding the financial assistance to The City Palace Museum, Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan, India for the development of infrastructure of existing museum under the scheme 'Setting Up, Promotion & Strengthening of Regional & Local Museums' during the year 2011-12. The approved project cost for the purpose of development of infrastructure of existing museum is Rs. 6.87 crores and the total amount approved by MoC is Rs 5 crores and the remaining is the total matching share to be utilized by the organization MMCF is Rs. 1.87 crores. The first installment of the grant of Rs. 1.25 crores in upgrading the Museum as outlined in proposal with due acknowledgements to the Ministry is received in January 2012. This is the beginning of a long term and mutually sustaining relationship between the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation and the Ministry of Culture. The plan focuses on optimally utilizing various revenue generating opportunities and a rational approach to spending to ensure that the 'site' earns its upkeep and development and adds strength to the MMCF 'Balance Sheet' thereby enabling MMCF to support and fund numerous activities as a part of Museum Development.

MMCF is constantly striving to improve in its work and committed to the objectives to make Udaipur a seat of learning and a center of excellence.

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